Friday, 20 December 2013

G'day from Om Shacki

One of the many blessings of this time of the year, is that we have both time and an opportunity to connect with you, our friends and family. This year is via a Crimbo blog.

 We are writing this from the deck of “Om Shacki” just before Christmas in the Blue Mountains but it is far from wintry here; 29C , sunny, humid, blue sky, with multiple squawky birds to add to the ambience.

We have started our own sculpture garden; other things include cement mixer, an old manual lawnmower, a baby elephant and a watering can painted in silver (Sarah loved the colour!) Fortunately the Buddha was spared.

We have developed a love of gardening especially gardens with loads of different colourful plants; sadly neither of us can remember what they all are!
Fortunately we know hydrangeas when we see them! Very much suburban and middle class plus 1920s mountains-look (apparently).

We are not totally devoid of culture, living in the Blue Mountains (home of the dwarfs according to The Hobbit part 1) we have radio 4, via Internet, National Theatre and Met Opera broadcasts and we occasionally pop into Sydney for musical, operatic or party events thanks to the generous hospitality of our Sydney friends.

There is nothing like a day in the office. Spot the desk and Mac, if you can…? 

Both sad and happy times have hit us both this year, but here is a quick summary of the highlights of our 2013. 

Happy browsing and we hope that your 2014 is fun-packed and very Merry Christmas to you all.
Lots of love from Jo & Sarah

 Tour of Western Australia South of Perth. 

We camped and walked!  

Sarah bought a new hat (and promptly left it somewhere)

We loved both the beach and the wine in WA.

Soon after, we flew to Singapore for a weekend of catching up with friends and colleagues from Macquarie for Linda Newman's wedding. Proving that we do get out of shorts now and again. Wonderful party, amazing dancing….. 

FEBRUARY: More beach, walking the circuit of Lake Waikaremoana, mountains (including Volcanoes) and golf in NZ with Marty and Robbie.

 Virtual golf on the beach with Robbie and Sarah getting serious (but note the fault - S's lifted left heel - tut tut) - just before our big match Poms/Aussies vs Kiwis at Cape Kidnappers. Sunrise and sunset on the beach in Waimarama.
Getting up early for golf has its benefits.

Easter Sunday - Six Foot Track (46km in one day - Jenolan Caves to Katoomba) with Peter Curran (with vital car and breakfast support from Deb). Fortunately no leeches this time and a fabulous celebratory stew at the end at Om Shacki!

2 weeks in Arrina, Wester Ross in Scotland in late April/early May along with Sarah’s school friends: Hank, Gillie, Ozzy;

We climbed a Ben or too, but were hampered by snow. Sarah has decided to buy and bring crampons in future!
Funny lot, the old girls from Cheltenham. Cheers!

After too much red wine and pasta with Maria Scott and family, we were persuaded to enter a Land's End to John O'Groats charity cycle ride. This dominated the next few months as we looked at the training schedule and took a deep breath.  Smiles all round as we found out we could eat everything and anything 4-5 times a day and not put on any weight :)

It started out a bit snowy in Italy too but soon heated up. 

In between, purchasing new road bikes and touring Le Marche by bicycle, we did more gardening; once again the tomatoes were a stand out. My Mum and Sarah's step mum Angela were happy recipients  of tomato sauces and chutney. 


Opera season, with Sferisterio in Macerata, Rossini festival in Pesaro and Glyndebourne (our annual visit) this time with Dude (Katie) to celebrate her 21st (again…). 

This was smartly followed by President's Day golf with the extended Neep family at GT Yarmouth and Caister GC. Fortunately we managed some sneaky (but much needed) golf practice with Alison Baker and Lynn Parkhouse beforehand. The Neeps (Jeremy and Jo) made off with most of the prizes from the golf day and Sarah, consistent with her evident golf prowess, won lots of prizes in the raffle.

SEPTEMBER– Rome (true home of SPQR) visit with family and friends

Of course we took bikes too and went to see the Trevi fountains as well as the Vatican. We also cycled in the pouring rain to Villa D'Este - on what felt like the Italian equivalent of the M25 only with more swerving and under-taking....

Lands End to John O'Groats: 1534km in 11.5 days; made new friends and learnt how to deal with welts from soreness on the saddle! For more detail on the cycle training and LEJOG event in September- check out our other blog at:

OCTOBER:  Flew down to Bristol from Inverness for a very enjoyable reunion with Debs Jenner and Mangie Wright. Next day - week of outdoor greenwood wood turning course in Westonbirt Arboretum. The autumn colors were wonderful. Jo enjoyed the colder weather and lack of physical activity - and wore every item of clothing she had. We made 2 fab, Windsor chairs out of ash.

NOVEMBER – More catching up with friends in Glasgow, Austwick Hall visit, culture with Angela in London and golf in HK (en route to Oz) with Nancy, Kin and Hooichin. 
Trip to Victoria state and to Melbourne for:
Wagner’s Ring with Kitty and Marcia from NY. There had been so many cancellations and changes leading up to this event we were very concerned. But it was a great production with a very memorable dragon, fabulous singing and orchestra - well done to Opera Australia and Melbourne. 
Ned Kelly history tour - well, pilgrimage really - through Beechworth, Glenrowan and even to Melbourne Gaol and the Victoria State Library. Sarah has developed a fascination for everything to do with Ned Kelly. Is it because she is a Kelly herself?
Garden visits - to Cranbourne, Cowra and the botanics in Melbourne CBD 
3 day cycle tour around gold fields of Bendigo.
Rail trail around Yarra valley.
Mornington Peninsula wildlife park

who is wild and wonderful?

where Ned was hanged; curious light underneath - this was natural light

I am sure he was not that tall! or has Sarah shrunk

 Excited Kelly detective...
Working goldmine in Victoria.

And so to December, cliff top and valley floor walks Om Shacki garden and to Christmas..

Have a very joyful one, and look forward to hearing your news


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